Events | 2 MIN | 24/01/2016

By gets the seal “Innovative SME”

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By gets the seal “Innovative SME” 

Security | Access | Technology

The award, granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, identifies companies that have proven their innovative character in recent years.


sello pyme

By has obtained the seal Innovative SME, awarded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This seal is a recognition to companies that have demonstrated their character and innovative spirit and ability in recent years.

In By we firmly believe in research to achieve the development of innovative solutions that make us improve ourselves every day. We trust the way that technology helps us to improve the quality and security of our products. Our goal is to bring the experience of access control a step further, providing unique, specific, adaptable, comfortable and reliable solutions.

Innovation in our case is the result of talent and experience of the professionals in By, and who devote all their efforts to develop integrated systems. Our teams work unceasingly in research and innovation, seeking continuous improvement that brings us closer to excellence.

Our hard work of I+D+i is reflected directly in the result, in each of the products we manufacture.

In By we are very proud of obtaining the seal, as it is a recognition of our work and career, our constant efforts and our mission as a company, and encourages us to continue the journey.

In By we believe in innovation and we have been over 30 years researching and developing security solutions and access control. Our experience is at the service of a single goal: helping you with your projects.


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Escrito por:   NÜO Planet

Categorías:   Events