By committed to children, works with Ayuda en Acción
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[enlace pagina="Empresa" target="_blank"]By[/enlace] believes the global responsibility towards our environment is an essential commitment. We have a duty to support the most disadvantaged groups, contributing our bit to a better world. Among other joint initiatives, By works with Ayuda en Acción sponsoring several children in Latin America.

Ayuda en Acción is an NGO that since 1981 fights against poverty and social inequality. It has many projects and aid programs in 21 countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia and in Spain.
In By we are committed in the fight against child poverty, and believe in the need to help the little ones. For this reason, we have spent years developing a strategy oriented to fundraising: coffee machine solidarity.

Bolivia_Katherine Argote__Ayuda en Acción
All proceeds of coffee in our offices are used to sponsor children through Ayuda en Acción.

Perú_Foto Salva Campillo_Ayuda en Acción
We have several rotary projects, which enable us to help many children. Currently we have several sponsored in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. Their letters and photographs, placed next to the machine, wake us up and give us more momentum than coffee! Every cup counts!
From By we encourage you to collaborate too. We tell you how.

Bolivia_Foto Salva Campillo_Ayuda en Acción
The mission of Ayuda en Acción is to improve the living conditions of children, families and communities in the poorest countries and regions, through sustainable projects of integral development and advocacy, with the ultimate aim of promoting structural changes contributing to poverty eradication and through the donation of all who are part of the community.
By is a responsible company, committed to the environment and the future. We develop solutions for access control and security with a single mission: help you grow.
If you want more information about us...
[enlace pagina="Empresa" ancla="#empresa-formulario"]Contact us at or call us at +34 91 870 71 93 or at +34 91 872 95 76.[/enlace]
Escrito por: NÜO Planet
Categorías: Events