Security | 8 MIN | 10/09/2024

Security systems in smart buildings

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Faced with the non-stop evolution of technology and, in parallel, the development of vulnerabilities, the integration of security systems in smart buildings becomes absolutely essential.

More smart buildings in cities are progressively being designed and built. The technology that they employ stores a large amount of information, about its residents or about the company, which makes them attractive to possible attacks.

According to statistics by Kaspersky, 37.8% of computers used to manage building automation systems were attacked in the first six months of 2019.

This makes it necessary to use highly-efficient security systems that guarantee the protection of their users and their spaces. How to achieve it? Below, we give you in-depth information on how to guarantee high security in smart buildings.



¿What is a smart building?

First, we will define  what a smart building is and its characteristics. A smart building is a structure with a network of innovative tech systems for the automation and integral management of its processes, with the aim of fulfilling several purposes.

What are the objectives of smart buildings? Basically, the design of a smart building seeks to increase security, provide users with greater comfort, automate utilities, achieve energy efficiency, integrate it with its surroundings, and reduce maintenance costs.

Learn more about  the security and access control trends of 2022..



These buildings have systems that monitor and manage every process and service involved in the operation of their facilities. In addition, they control each of their entrances to achieve top security.

Now, let's look at what a security system is in a smart building. In these types of buildings, a security system is the set of high-tech devices and software such as artificial intelligence and machine learning with the goal of tracking and neutralizing any intrusion to the system or the facilities.



Main characteristics

In this context, to be able to call a building smart, the necessary technology must be integrated for the optimization of its processes. Thus, they are characterized by:

  • Employing systems with state-of-the-art tech security innovations to provide utmost protection to their premises and their users.
  • Having sensors in every space, grounds and key items, with the aim of collecting the information required for the smart automation systems.
  • Having systems that control and manage electricity and water consumption, achieving efficient use of these resources.
  • Integrating avant-garde devices and systems for continuous monitoring of every one of its areas and access points.
  • Offering great comfort to their users or residents.
  • Having the flexibility needed to integrate new technologies and easily adapt to change..


Why is it important to have security systems in smart

With the vast technology present in a smart building, why is it important to also have security systems? We detail the reasons below:


The vulnerability of these buildings

Smart buildings may have vulnerabilities due to the lower security level provided by the devices that are connected to the internet without centralized management.

Further, vulnerability increases when any unprotected personal device is connected by users or residents.

They are more susceptible to attacks

Smart buildings deploy tech systems whose information is the perfect target for hackers or physical attacks that can cause human or material losses.

They attack to obtain information about the people who live in the building or about the companies based there.

Risks of physical and cyber liability

Construction companies must adapt to cyber technologies progressively to prevent risks of physical and cyber liability. These risks currently restrain the implementation of many tech projects in smart buildings.

This will be resolved by integrating a flexible security architecture that incorporates end-to-end cybersecurity systems.

Remote access processes that are not secure

Having insecure remote access systems, such as autonomous ones or those that operate by connecting to Wi-Fi, represents an enormous physical and cyber vulnerability for smart buildings. That is why it is essential to select the types of access control well.

For autonomous distance accesses, their vulnerability rests with the reader, an easily accessible site, and one that can be manipulated by anybody. And in the others, the system connected to Wi-Fi can be attacked and manipulated remotely through the internet.

For these reasons, at present the system that continues to provide the greatest security is the wired access control system, whose intelligence is protected in a secure area of the building.


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In short, due to their vulnerability, the high probability of attacks, and the liabilities that these attacks could lead to, it becomes indispensable to have security systems in smart buildings.


control de accesos en tu edificio corporativo

How to ensure security in smart buildings

Due to all the reasons detailed above, you need to know: How is security handled and managed in smart buildings? The key to guaranteeing security in smart buildings is found in the design of a flexible, centralized and profitable platform, in which all the tech systems converge that are installed in the building.



This leads to establishing uniform security policies, offering broad visibility of the entire system, and using the suitable mechanisms for the supervision of security in order to identify and eliminate any problems.

The technology employed in a smart building must guarantee the high performance of the security systems. Thus, they must also comply with the technical regulations and the General Data Protection Regulation.

It is also essential to incorporate a biometric access control system that in addition to being more secure—provides extra innovation to the building and increases its market value. These systems are one of the latest security trends in corporate buildings.



The most secure system: fingerprint access control

NÜO One is an access control system designed to guarantee top security in corporate buildings, industries, shopping centers, etc. It consists of a platform that facilitates integral and centralized management of the security in every one of its areas, as well as controlling access flows, both of people and vehicles, including visitors without ID, temporary employees and support workers...

This system logs data in real time on the people who access the inside of the building by doors, elevators, turnstiles, parking lots... as well as controlling visitors and access to critical areas that require high security, such as server rooms, senior management offices, warehouses, etc.


gestion nuo one aplicacion@2x-min

The NÜO One access control system identifies users by a high-security ID card, cell phone or fingerprint.

The last identification type is the most secure for smart buildings. This is because it is extremely reliable and accurate in identifying people.

biometria para tornos

The functions of the NÜO One system also include managing personalized profiles for each user. This makes it easier to restrict access based on schedules, areas and dates, and lets you quickly cancel or activate access to employees.


Do you want top security for your building, company or architectural project? Contact us. At NÜO Planet, we will advise you and guide you in security systems in smart buildings and we will deliver you the very best solution that fit your exact needs.

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Escrito por:   NÜO Planet

Categorías:   Security, Corporate Building